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In conjunction with the US Census Bureau, a ragtag team of UX Designers, Software Engineers and Data Scientist sought out a way to use census data to Create a product that can increase awareness of single use plastics and its impact on local and larger communities.



With the goal of creating a product that would increase awareness of single use plastics and its impact on local and larger communities, we set out with the hypothesis that If users have real-time information on best recycling practices, they will recycle more or use single use plastic less.

Key Questions

What are users current recycling methods?

What are users current knowledge on recyclable materials?

What apps are users currently using to track data?

What information are users provided with?

Image by Muhd Asyraaf
Who we talked to
     Urban Communities 45%                  

     Suburban Communities 65%                  
Image by Hoyt Roberson
17 respondents from across the US. Various professions and educational levels.
17 respondents from across the US. Various professions and educational levels.
Insights Received - Current Recycling Methods

82% Throw all perceived recyclable items in one bin
12% Sort Recyclable Materials
6% Recycle only if option is available

100% Are not clear on what happens after recycling items.

Image by Brooke Cagle
“Are dirty things being recycled? If one item in my bin is incorrect, will they all get tossed?”
“It’s actually kind of difficult to find info on what codes our recycling facility accepts.”
Image by Mathias Huysmans
Insights Received - Current Resources

83% of users feel their community could do a better providing more information on recyclable materials.

100% say accessibility is determining factor when recycling  on th go.


1. Users need clear, real-time instructions on recycling. A breakdown of recycled materials based on local regulations.

2. Users want more knowledge on IMPACT MADE. A roadmap into their community’s process.


The Opportunity Project (TOP) invited tech teams to create products and tools based on community feedback.
User research and exploration was set as an important step during this process. Tech teams that participated in TOP included industry start-ups, technologists from outside the government, and university students.

Team greenScan

     PM - Joe Fernandez
     UX Generalist - Stephanie Christian, Joe Fernandez, Jamie Leidwinger

     UX Research - Jamie Magruder

     UX/UI Designer - Kenneth Rowe
     DS - David Sutton

     SE - Victor Twu

Duration - 5 Weeks

My Roles - Project Manager, Synthesis, Wireframing, UI, Prototyping, Branding

Tools - Figma, Miro, Adobe Creative Suite, M.E.R.N. stack


Low Fidelity Wireflow (top level)

With the data collected we decided on three main features for the app.

Scan a Product

Using API data from, scan a UPC and determine the type of plastic used and provide user with recycling information specific to their location. 

Find a Recycling Location 

Using API data from, provide users with recycling locations via map function with specific details of plastics the recycler will accept.

Recycling Codes

Provide user with information regarding the numbering system for plastics as found on commercial products. 

User Flow (Scanning)

The user flow for the scanning feature turned out to have more pathways than originally imagined.

User Testing

We tested our low fidelity prototype with user and gave them a task of scanning a product, using the map and searching by recycle code. Overall users found the app intuitive, learnable and sentiment was incredibly positive.

User Testing

We tested our low fidelity prototype with user and gave them a task of scanning a product, using the map and searching by recycle code. Overall users found the app intuitive, learnable and sentiment was incredibly positive.

User Testing

We tested our low fidelity prototype with user and gave them a task of scanning a product, using the map and searching by recycle code. Overall users found the app intuitive, learnable and sentiment was incredibly positive.

"I love how you give us the recycle numbers. I always forget.”
Image by Christina @
Image by John Haldezos
“I would even consider going to a different store and change my brand loyalty if they offered a recycling service, as opposed to a usual one that does not.”
Image by Joseph Gonzalez
“I enjoy that it is web based, costs no money, and it’s easy to type in a website. You can also bookmark it.”
"It's educational and helpful. I recycle but wasn't sure I was doing it right.”
Image by Christina @
Design Considerations

Though it was generally positive there were some work to do.

      • Add “Read More” option to highlight critical information
      • Clarify “Alternative Products”
      • Solidify global navigation
      • More info on local drop-off
      • Increase text size


User Interface

We wanted our visuals to be friendly and light hearted as a way to keep users engaged and more likely to come back for more information.

We hope to empower the community with a product that is both inviting and actionable.

Additionally, with further iterations we believe that gamification opportunities beyond this MVP.


Now that all of our data validated and our UI in place we were ready to complete the final prototype. In fact, there was still much to do, more testing, more iterations, but our MVP met our definition of done and so we moved fast to complete.


Please feel free to check out the prototype by clicking the button below. It will open a new webpage. So come back once you are done! 

Live Version

To meet the requirements of TOP a prototype was not enough. We needed a working MVP. Our developer did an amazing job! Originally, the team was staffed with 4 developers. All but one intrepid Software Engineer remained and essentially wrote all the code for the app.

Created as a web app greenScan was completed and can be used on your smart phone web browser at;

Use your phone to see it in action.


Finally we were ready to present our app to the Census Bureau's Opportunity Project! The response was amazing. We all believe that we might have created something that could live on and are exploring the possibility of finding funding.

Please click on the video on the right to see our live walkthrough!


©2022 Joe Fernandez. All Rights Reserved.

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